Post-Pandemic World: Perspectives on Foreign and Security Policy
Disponibilitate: în stoc
Preț: 70,00 LEI
Lumea de mâine. Ce urmează dupa pandemie?
Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Strategic nexus : the Black Sea, great power competition, and the Russo-Ukrainian war
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
Security Challenges in the Black Sea : NATO, the Wider Region and the Global Order,Pledging for a free and ope
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
Russia's hybrid war in the Republic of Moldova
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
Black Sea's offshore energy potential and its strategic role at a regional and continental level
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
War or Peace : Peace, but at What Price?,The Danger of a New Munich Agreement
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
The Battle for the Black Sea! : the importance of freedom of navigation and energy stakes
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
The strategic importance of the Black Sea : regional cooperation for energy and defense
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie