Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
The English romantics and the theme of nature : lucrare ştiinţifică
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
Notional and functional peculiarities in translating phraseological unit from English into Romanian : ghid met
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
The English romantics and the theme of beauty : lucrare ştiinţifică
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
Non-formal education in teaching English : ghid metodic
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
The English articles : ghid metodic
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
Irony and satire in O. Henry short stories : lucrare de specialitate
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie
Stylistic analysis of epithets and its function in the picture of Dorian Gray : lucrare de specialitate
Disponibilitate: in curs de aparitie