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Anul apariției: 2004

Nr. pagini: 290 pagini

Limba: engleza

ISBN: 0521617170

Categorii: Beletristica, Carte straină, Critica literara, Beletristică și critică


Part one

Psycologicaldiscourse in the victorin era

1 The art of surveillance

2 The Hawford context

3 Insanity and selfhood

3 Reading the mind: psihognomy and phrenology

5 The female bodily economy

Part two

Charlotte Bronte' s fiction

6 The early writings: penetrataing power

7 The Profesor: the art of self control

8 Jane Eyre: lurid hieroglyphics

9 Shirley: bodies and markets

10 Villette: the surveillance of a sleepes eye


    This ground-breaking study successfully challenges the traditional tendency to regard Charlotte Brontë as having existed in a historical vacuum. Using texts ranging from local newspapers to medical tomes belonging to the Brontës, Sally Shuttleworth explores Victorian constructions of psychology, sexuality and insanity, and traces the ways in which Charlotte Brontë's texts operate in relation to this complex framework. Shuttleworth offers a reading of Brontë's fiction informed by a new understanding of the psychological debates of her time.

    Comandă online Charlotte Bronte and Victorian Psychology la 249,99 lei scrisă de Sally Shuttleworth, tiparită la editura Cambridge în anul 2004. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Charlotte Bronte and Victorian Psychology nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.