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Preț:  693,00 LEI

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Nr. pagini: 289 pagini

Tip copertă: tare

ISBN: 9783540376972

Categorii: Drept, Carte straină


Despite the potential benefits that PSSA designation can deliver, recent practice both within the IMO and by individual member States, has considerably undermined confidence in this emerging concept. The focus of this book is on the events within the IMO that have led to this lack of confidence arising. In doing so, this book presents an examination of coastal State practice with the PSSA concept.

In undertaking this analysis, the research provides evidence of the value of the PSSA concept, but also demonstrates its limitations. In this regard, the book presents a ‘reality check’ which seeks to rationalise some of the heightened expectations with the concept that are apparent in the current debate. The research argues that States may seek to designate PSSAs more for their ‘iconic status’ than for any demonstrable environmental benefits that may be realised.

Written for: International organizations (e.g. IMO), libraries (Law/Environment), researchers and practitioners Keywords:
  • IMO
  • Marine Environment Protection
  • Marine pollution
  • Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA)

Comandă online Marine Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation la 693,00 lei scrisă de Roberts, Julian, tiparită la editura Springer cu un număr de 289 pagini. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Marine Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.