Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Preț: 39,00 LEI
Autor(i): Laura Visu-Petra
Editura: Asociatia de Stiinte Cognitive din Romania
Categorii: Psihologie
Chapter 1 - Theoretical and empirical cornerstones in executive functioning research
1.1. A controversial concept: Philosophical and paradigmatic underpinnings
1.2. Paradigmatic perspectives upon EF: Possible explanations for the conceptual heterogeneity
1.3. A multifaceted construct: EF subcomponents in developmental research
1.4. Some clarifying options
Chapter 2 - A standardized developmental neuropsychological approach to EF
2.1. General developmental trends in EF
2.2. Study 1: A developmental neuropsychological approach to EF using the NEPSY battery
2.3. General discussion
Chapter 3 - Executive (dys)functions in developmental neuropathology: The case of childhood epilepsy
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Study 1 – EF in childhood epilepsy: a heterogeneous group approach
3.3. Study 2: An idiographic approach to neuropsychological correlates in childhood epilepsy
3.4. Conclusions
Chapter 4 - A piecemeal approach to EF during development: the case of short‑term memory (STM)
4.1. Introduction
4.2. STM development
4.3. Study 1: A longitudinal macro-analysis of STM span between 3-10 years
4.4. Study 2: Dynamic insights from a longitudinal micro-analysis of verbal STM span between 3-7 years
4.5. General discussion
Chapter 5 - The impact of anxiety on working memory development (WM) during the preschool years
5.1. Main conceptualizations in WM research
5.2. WM and anxiety
5.3. Study 1: Anxiety and STM: performance on simple span tasks
5.4. Study 2: Anxiety and WM: performance on complex span tasks
5.5. Study 3: The impact of anxiety on visual-spatial STM, WM and LTM
5.6. General discussion
Chapter 6 - Executive functioning in conditions with genetic etiology: Memory performance in the case of Down syndrome
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Study 1: Verbal vs. Visual-spatial stm in children and adolescents with Down syndrome
6.3. Study 2: Visual-spatial memory (LTM, STM and WM) in children and adolescents with Down syndrome
6.4. General conclusions
Chapter 7 - Putting the pieces together: Inhibition, shifting and working memory in typical development
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Study 1: A longitudinal study of preschool EF
7.3. Study 2: A cross-sectional study of school-age EF in relation to academic outcome
7.4. General discussion
Chapter 8 - Executive functioning development: Conclusions, implications and future directions
8.1. Points of theoretical convergence and divergence
8.2. Empirical and theoretical contributions of the thesis
8.3. Practical implications and future research directions
Rezumat în limba română
Comandă online THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING A neuropsychological approach la 39,00 lei scrisă de Laura Visu-Petra, tiparită la editura Asociatia de Stiinte Cognitive din Romania categorie Psihologie. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING A neuropsychological approach nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.
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