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Preț:  79,00 LEI

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Nr. pagini: 284 pagini

Limba: engleza

ISBN: 9780521835572

Categorii: Cultura si civilizatie, Carte straină



1. The origins of language; 2. Animals and human language; 3. The development of writing; 4. The sounds of language; 5. The sound patterns of language; 6. Words and word-formation processes; 7. Morphology; 8. Phrases and sentences: grammar; 9. Syntax; 10. Semantics; 11. Pragmatics; 12. Discourse analysis; 13. Language and the brain; 14. First language acquisition; 15. Second language acquisition/learning; 16. Gestures and sign languages; 17. Language history and change; 18. Language and regional variation; 19. Language and social variation; 20. Language and culture.


Designed for beginners, this best-selling textbook provides a lively introduction to the study of language. Starting from the basics, it provides a solid foundation in all of the essential topics, and introduces the analysis of the key elements of language - sounds, words, structures and meanings. A wide range of fascinating questions are explored, such as how conversation works, how children learn language, why women and men speak differently, and how language varies between regions and social groups. This third edition has been extensively revised to include new sections on important contemporary issues in language study, including language and culture, African American English, sign language, and slang. A comprehensive glossary provides useful explanations of technical terms, and each chapter contains a range of new study questions and research tasks, with suggested answers. Unrivalled in its popularity, The Study of Language is quite simply the best introduction to the field available today.

• Extensively revised and updated • Fresh study questions and research tasks, a comprehensive glossary providing clear explanations of technical terms, and a fully updated bibliography • Concise and clearly presented, perfect for readers approaching the study of language for the first time

Comandă online The Study of Language (3rd Edition) la 79,00 lei scrisă de George Yule, tiparită la editura Cambridge cu un număr de 284 pagini. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul The Study of Language (3rd Edition) nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.