Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Preț: 35,00 LEI
Autor(i): Charles Dickens
Editura: Oxford University Press
Colecția: Oxford Bookworms
Anul apariției: 2008
Nr. pagini: 120 pagini
Limba: engleza
ISBN: 9780194792660
Categorii: Limba Engleza, Limbi Străine, Engleza avansati
* All 'Oxford Bookworms Library' titles are fully illustrated.
* The Activities section at the back of each title has been extended to include extra activities before, while and after reading, helping students to interact with the text and get the most out of each story.
* Each title also has an Introduction, a Glossary of key topic words, and an informative 'About the Author' section.
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