Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Preț: 95,00 LEI
ISBN: 9780521181716
Autor(i): Felicity O Dell , Annie Broadhead
Editura: Cambridge
Anul apariției: 2012
Nr. pagini: 176 pagini
Limba: engleza
Categorii: Ready for CAE, Examene/Teste, Limba Engleza, Limbi Străine, Limbi straine, Învățamânt - Educație
Objective Advanced is a completely updated and revised edition of the best-selling Objective CAE 2nd edition course. Its short units focus on lively topics and genres, and combine systematic and thorough examination practice with improving students' overall language level. This new edition now includes a Student's CD-ROM to extend the language and skills practice in the Student's Book, and two complete Advanced exam practice tests on the Teacher's Resources Audio CD/CD-ROM which accompanies the Teacher's Book. The new Workbook includes an Audio CD for extra listening practice.
Key Features
• 25 short units offer a fun, fast-paced approach to learning.
• 'Writing folders' develop the full range of writing skills needed for the CAE exam - an area many CAE candidates find challenging
• 'Exam folders' provide helpful advice for each part of the exam so that candidates are reassured that they will know what to expect in the exam and how best to tackle it.
• Regular revision units recycle grammar and vocabulary - practising language and keeping it fresh.
• The student's CD-ROM provides optional extra language and vocabulary practice in the form of new interactive activities.
• The course draws upon information from the Cambridge English Corpus to provide examples of authentic, up-to-date English, and highlights areas of the exam that students find most challenging.
• C2 level texts are highlighted for ambitious students aiming for a higher grade in the exam.
• A full practice test allows teachers to measure students' progress.
Comandă online Cambridge English Objective Advanced - Student s Book without answers (with CD-ROM)-Third Edition la 95,00 lei isbn 9780521181716 scrisă de Felicity O Dell , Annie Broadhead, tiparită la editura Cambridge în anul 2012. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Cambridge English Objective Advanced - Student s Book without answers (with CD-ROM)-Third Edition nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.
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