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Preț:  75,00 LEI

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Anul apariției: 2011

Limba: engleza

ISBN: 9781846056505

Categorii: Beletristica, Carte straină



Sian Bishop has only ever experienced one moment of recklessness - a moment that resulted in her beloved son Rory. It's not that she doesn't love the outcome of that wild night, but since then she has always taken the safer route. So when dependable, devoted Richard suggests a move to the beautiful English countryside.

Bertrams Buyer's Notes:

The new novel from the bestselling author of }A Perfect Proposal, Going Dutch, Love Letters{ and many others. With the new jacket look that has helped widen Fforde's already considerable fanbase. There will be sustained national advertising and a publicity campaign.

Comandă online Summer Of Love la 75,00 lei scrisă de Fforde, Katie, tiparită la editura Vintage Books UK în anul 2011. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Summer Of Love nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.