Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Preț: 109,00 LEI
Autor(i): Mark Hancock , Annie McDonald
Editura: Oxford University Press
Colecția: English Result
Anul apariției: 2009
Limba: engleza
Suport: CD
ISBN: 9780194305136
Categorii: Engleza intermediari, Limba Engleza, Limbi Străine
The general English course that takes students from 'how to' to 'can do' in every lesson.
English Result is a completely new multi-level general English course for adults. A unique two-page lesson formula combines highly visual input on the left-hand page with classroom activities on the right-hand page.
Key features
* 'How to...' lessons provide a clear learning focus and practical language that students can use in everyday situations.
* A whole page of visually stimulating input maximizes student interest at the beginning of each lesson and keeps motivation high throughout.
* 21st-century grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation syllabus with five-skills coverage gives teachers and students everything they need.
* 'Put it all together' sections in every lesson help students consolidate what they've learned before they leave the classroom.
* An 'I can...' tick line at the end of every lesson helps students reflect on how well they can use the language.
* A one-page writing lesson per unit consolidates language covered and builds up to a practical written outcome.
Comandă online English Result Upper Intermediate Class Audio CDs (2) la 109,00 lei scrisă de Mark Hancock , Annie McDonald, tiparită la editura Oxford University Press face parte din colecția English Result. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul English Result Upper Intermediate Class Audio CDs (2) nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.
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