Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Preț: 19,90 LEI
Titlu original: Sustaiable forestry in a changing environment
ISBN: 9789738893894
Coordonator(i): Nicolai Olenici
Editura: Tehnica Silvica
Anul apariției: 2009
Nr. pagini: 240 pagini
Categorii: Silvicultura, Fitotehnie , Agricultura, Știința și Tehnică
Discuţii libere
Impact of Natura 2000 sites designation on forest management
Peter Veen
The history of Forest Research and Management Institute and its development prospects (in Romanian)
Marian Ianculescu
Pădurea într-un mediu natural şi socio-economic în schimbare
Researches regarding the parametric objective approach of the climatic year structure in hilly and mountainous regions, in the frame of climate changes
Viorela Huber
Effects of accidental fluorine pollution on Prahova Valley's forest stands
Marian Ianculescu, Ionel Popa, Ştefan Neagu, Cristina M. Măcărescu
Hungarian oak and Turkey oak fructification in the Western part of the Getic Plateau
Iulian Bercea
Research on structural variety of stands for three European beech forests with different ages, located in middle and superior Valley of Argeş River
Gheorghe Guiman, Virgil Scărlătescu, Constantin Truică
Ecological reconstruction by regeneration of pine stands located on degraded lands in the South-Eastern Romania (in Romanian)
Cristinel Constandache, Sanda Nistor
Research on ecological reconstruction of the declining forests in embanked areas located in the Danube flood plain and Delta (in Romanian)
Manole Greavu
Aerodynamic study of forest shelter belts (wind breaks)
Titus-Traian Orădean
Local networks of forest shelterbelts - solution to achieve a national plan
Maria Magdalena Vasilescu, Cornel Cristian Tereşneu
Resursele forestiere - evaluare, management, utilizare
Evolution of the European concept of forest management and the incidence on the Romanian silvicuture (in Romanian)
Petre Bradosche
Wood biomass resources of Romania - an alternative source of energy (in Romanian)
Gavril Budău, Mihai Ispas, Mihaela Câmpean
Current structure and growth in diameter of hornbeam stands in northeast Bulgaria
Hristo Tsakov, Alexander Delkov
Considerations on some current problems of management in Romania's silviculture (in Romanian)
Ion Machedon
Certification schemes - a first step towards sustainable management of forestry in Romania
Corina-Ionela Dumitrescu, Beatrice Leuştean
Beech timber preservation during storage
Octavia Zeleniuc
Assessment of anthropogenic and climatic changes impacts on forest systems by satellite and biogeophysical data
Maria Zoran, Mihaela Caian
Aspects regarding the use of digital orthophotomaps in forest cadastre
Iosif Vorovencii
Integrated forest planning and management system: pathway to the future in Romania?
Eugen Iordache, Marius Petrila
Inventory of primary and secondary forest ways using GPS/GIS in Romanian mountainous forests
Eugen Iordache
Operational model for assessment of environmental impact in forest road construction" (in Romanian)
Valeria Alexandru, Rostislav Bereziuc, Valentina Ciobanu
Possibilities of estimating discharge in small watersheds by means of TR-55 model
Cornel Cristian Tereşneu, Ştefan Tamaş, I. Clinciu, Maria Magdalena Vasilescu
Contributions to the kinematics study of the blade borers for seedling planting holes
Ilie Popescu, Rudolf Derczeni, Eugen Iordache, Horia Şotoc
Gully erosion in Suceava Plateau - a case study
Ovidiu Iacobescu, Ionuţ Barnoaiea
Biodiversitatea pădurii - evaluare, monitoring, conservare, îmbogăţireimprovement
The importance of some endemic plant taxa in maintaining the identity of Dacian Beech forest (Symphyto-Fagion)
Anca Păunescu
Formation, development and early abscission of the Italian oak (Quercus frainetto) acorns during vegetation season (in Romanian)
Marius Sorin Nică, Marcel Octavian Bădele, Constantin Neţoiu, Ionel Cioc, Cornel Şoancă
Physiological aspects of Quercus species under chemical and integrated pest control in North-Eastern Romania's forests
Ligia Acatrinei
Management principles of fish populations in mountain waters (in Romanian)
Ioan Cristea
Comandă online Silvicultura durabila intr-un mediu in schimbare la 19,90 lei Sustaiable forestry in a changing environment isbn 9789738893894 Nicolai Olenici, tiparită la editura Tehnica Silvica. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Silvicultura durabila intr-un mediu in schimbare nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.
Proiect de Plan Editorial 1970 - VII
133 pagini
An: 1970
Forest Management Methods in European Countries (In limbile engleza, germana si franceza)
Academia de stiinte agricole si silvice
240 pagini
An: 1971
Selectia Fenotipica a unor Proveniente de Molid din Arealul Natural Apte pentru Lemn de Celuloza
I. Dumitriu Tataranu
47 pagini
An: 1975
Tabele de productie pentru speciile salcam, carpin, tei - intocmite pe baza masuratorilor efectuate in 1950
Ministerul gospodariei silvice
51 pagini
An: 1951
Viticultura Practica (Ionescu, Editie 1934)
Propasirea Agriculturii
Al. P. Ionescu
224 pagini
An: 1934
Indrumatorul Viticultorului, Editie 1963
Gherasim Constantinescu
686 pagini
An: 1963
Compendiu fitotehnie. Plante medicinale si aromatice
Emilia Constantinescu
272 pagini
An: 2010
Legumicultura, Volumul al III-lea
Victor Popescu
212 pagini
An: 2001
Cartoful timpuriu si de vara
Ion Chichea
290 pagini
An: 2000
Manualul apicultorului (editia a VI-a)
Asociatia crescatorilor de albine din Romania
398 pagini
An: 1986
Viticultura Practica (Ionescu, Editie 1934)
Propasirea Agriculturii
Al. P. Ionescu
224 pagini
An: 1934
Indrumatorul Viticultorului, Editie 1963
Gherasim Constantinescu
686 pagini
An: 1963
Legumicultura speciala. Indrumator pentru lucrari practice
Reprografia Universitatii din Craiova
Gr. Radu
194 pagini
An: 1980
Compendiu fitotehnie. Plante medicinale si aromatice
Emilia Constantinescu
272 pagini
An: 2010