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Anul apariției: 1992

Nr. pagini: 401 pagini

Categorii: Dictionare de economie, Dictionare specializate, Dicționare și ghiduri


This entirely new compilation of over 4000 entries is intended for a wide range of business students, businesspeople, and the experts who advise them. All the traditional areas of business are covered--accountancy, commerce, shipping, insurance, advertising, management, industrial relations, and banking--as well as the new terminology that has grown up around the globilization of stock, commodity, and financial markets. Here, for example, are the meanings of "dead-cat bounce," death-valley curve," "degearing," "drop-dead fee," and "drop lock." The dictionary will also be an indepensable aid to business in the European Community, featuring such terms as "ECU," "ERM," "Euro-ad," and "eurobond." In addition to these strictly business terms, the dictionary also provides concise explanations of controversial terms in economics, such as "economic growth," and "Laffer curve"; and of the terms a businessperson might be expected to understand in the fields of computing and printing. This book will be of interest to business students at all levels and professionals in all areas of business.

Comandă online A Concise Dictionary of Business la 15,00 lei scrisă de Alan Isaacs, tiparită la editura Oxford University Press în anul 1992. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul A Concise Dictionary of Business nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.