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Preț:  103,46 LEI

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• 15,90 lei - prin Curier rapid (gratuit pentru produse de anticariat peste 69,00 lei / comandă)
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Autor(i): , ,


Colecția: Enciclopedii și albume

Anul apariției: 2017

Nr. pagini: 251 pagini

ISBN: 9786068948157

Stare: nefolosita (noua)

Categorii: Carte nefolosită, Biografii / Memorialistica


The monographic album „Carol I” National Pedagogical College Câmpulung-Muscel. 150 years of existence, conducted by Adrian Săvoiu and George Radu, is a reconstruction, through documents and photographs, of the activity of the first educational institution in Muntenia specialized in training teachers. Founded in Bucharest in 1867, by the decree of Prince Carol and at the initiative of Dimitrie Gusti, the school was the result of the crystallization of generous ideas that circulated in the Romanian cultural space in the middle of the 19th century. It represents the expression of an ambitious Enlightenment program, which aimed to spread literacy in the rural world, through properly educated village teachers.

The existence of a century and a half of this elite school of Romanian pedagogical education is reflected chronologically. The album, which opens with a brief history of the school, is structured in four sections, each opening with a chronology of that period, followed by photos and documents.

Comandă online "Carol I" National Pedagogical College Campulung-Muscel. 150 years of existence la 103,46 lei scrisă de ADRIAN SAVOIU , George Radu , Adrian Săvoiu, tiparită la editura Art face parte din colecția Enciclopedii și albume. Cartea poate fi livrată în circa 2 zile cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul.