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Titlu original: The Great Regression




Colecția: Carti Cardinale

Anul apariției: 2017

Nr. pagini: 350 pagini

Tip copertă: brosata

ISBN: 9786067105032

Stare: nefolosita (noua)

Categorii: Carte nefolosită, Sociologie


When a world order breaks down, that is when people begin to think about it. Ulrich Beck, 2011

This book sets out to pick up the threads of the globalization debate of the 1990s and to take it forward. In it, scholars and public intellectuals respond to urgent questions: How have we ended up in this situation? Where will we be in five, ten or twenty years’ time? How can we stop the global regression and achieve a turnaround? In the face of an international league of nationalists the book attempts to create something like a transnational public sphere. The term ‘transnational’ here operates at three levels: first, that of the contributors; second, that of the phenomena under discussion; and third, that of distribution – the volume will appear simultaneously in several countries. Heinrich Geiselberger

Comandă online The Great Regression la 45,98 lei The Great Regression scrisă de Heinrich Geiselberger (coord.) dorina ivan. Cartea poate fi livrată în circa 2 zile cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul.