Life in America : An Introduction to the Study of Contemporary American Culture
Ovidiu Leonte
124 pagini
An: 2023
Inflammatory Bowel Disease - A Guide for Patients and Their Families
Raven Press New York
Stephen B. Hanauer
194 pagini
An: 1985
Inflamatory Bowel Disease - A Guide for Patients and Their Families
Raven Press New York
Stephen B. Hanauer
194 pagini
An: 1985
Post-Cold-War Japanese Animation. Five Directors and Their Visions
Pro Universitaria
Maria-Mihaela Grajdian
220 pagini
An: 2021
The Romanian Church in Northwest Romania During the Horthy Occupation (1940 - 1944)
Mihai Fatu
254 pagini
An: 1985
Carcinogenesis - A comprehensive survey, Volume 10 - The Role of Chemicals and Radiation in the Etiology of Ca
Raven Press New York
Eliezer Huberman
533 pagini
An: 1985
Finite Markov Processes and Their Applications (Lanturi Markov finite si aplicatii / limba engleza)
Marius Iosifescu
295 pagini
An: 1980
100-Year-Old Romanian Recipes and Advice from My Great Grandmother. My Family s Story
Cristina Popa Tache
124 pagini
An: 2020
Cuget senin. Serene in Heart and Thought. Poeme haiku in romana si engleza. Haiku Poems in Romanian and Englis
Radu Serban
274 pagini
An: 2021
O noua directie in arta moderna romaneasca. A new direction in the modern romanian art, Volumul al II-lea
Papirus Media
Eugen Craciun
264 pagini
An: 2011
The Quest for identity in Norwegian-American immigrant narratives : correspondences with the Romanian immigran
Presa Universitara Clujeana
Ioana-Andreea Muresan, Ioana Andreea Mureşan
294 pagini
An: 2023
Science - Key Stage Two - The Study Book (third edition for the 2003, 2004 and 2005)
Letts Educational
100 pagini
An: 2002
Manastirea romana. Sarbatorind comunitatile spirituale ale Romaniei / The Romanian Monastery. Celebrating Roma
Principesa Sofia a României
200 pagini
An: 2021
From Saint Thomas Aquinas to Petrarch and Erasmus : the identity and role of the intellectual in the middle ag
Universităţii din Bucureşti - Bucharest University Press
ed.: Mianda Cioba şi Anca Crivăţ, Mianda Cioba, Anca Crivat
190 pagini
An: 2023
Terapia rational emotiva si comportamentala in tulburarile copilului si adolescentului
Romanian Psychological Testing Services
Dr. Albert Ellis, Michael E. Bernard
461 pagini
An: 2007
Conferinta Mondiala a Energiei, Bucuresti 1971, Volume II: Tranzactions - Comptes Rendus
Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Conference
An: 1971
Conferinta Mondiala a Energiei, Bucuresti 1971, Volume V - Transactions / Comptes Rendus
Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Conference
370 pagini
An: 1972
Conferinta Mondiala a Energiei, Bucuresti 1971, Volume VI: Tranzactions - Comptes Rendus
Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Conference
An: 1971
Conferinta Mondiala a Energiei, Bucuresti 1971, Volume VII: Tranzactions - Comptes Rendus
Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Conference
An: 1971
Terapia cognitiv-comportamentala de cuplu si familie: Ghid comprehensiv pentru clinicieni
Romanian Psychological Testing Services
Frank M. Dattilio
316 pagini
An: 2010