Carte nouă dar și de anticariat
Teaching writing skills through ICT
Teaching English to children with dyslexia
Teaching English through modern means
Resources for teaching about Québec
The literary text in modern teaching
Brief notes on English language teaching
Goals and techniques in teaching listening
Communication strategies in English language teaching
Non Formal education in teaching English
Teaching vocabulary in vocational schools Vol. 4
Developing functional adequacy in teaching vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary in vocational schools Vol. 2
Teaching vocabulary in vocational schools Vol. 1
Grammar exercises an auxiliary teaching material
Methodology of teaching English lucrare ştiinţifică
The role of grammar in language teaching
Non formal education in teaching English
Teaching vocabulary in vocational schools Vol. 3
Training, coaching, mentoring. Metode si modele
CH Beck
Nicoleta Valentina Florea
168 pagini
An: 2014
The Methodology of Teaching Literature Revisited
320 pagini
An: 2016