Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Disponibilitate: nedisponibila
Preț: 19,00 LEI
Autor(i): Radu Principe de Hohenzollern-Veringen
Editura: Humanitas
Anul apariției: 2006
Nr. pagini: 206 pagini
ISBN: 973-50-1293-6
Categorii: Istoria romanilor, Istorie
The life of the last Queen of Romania, told by Queen Anne during the summer of 1999 to her son-in-law, Prince Radu of Hohenzollern-Veringen, and transformed by the author into a book, will certainly impress the readers. It is the complicated and sometimes dramatic lifestory of a young girl born in the most bourgeois neighbourhood in Paris, le seizième arrondissement, the daughter of Prince René of Bourbon-Parma and Princess Margrethe of Denmark. Educated, as all royal girls, in the spirit of faith, labor, devotion and sense of duty, Anne became, for a half of a century, by her marriage to King Michael of Romania, the Queen in exile of a suffering country. A remarkable life by its constancy, modesty, spontaneity and simplicity.
Comandă online Anne of Romania (editia a II-a) la 19,00 lei scrisă de Radu Principe de Hohenzollern-Veringen, tiparită la editura Humanitas în anul 2006. cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul. Momentan titlul Anne of Romania (editia a II-a) nu este disponibil însa vă puteți înscrie pentru a fi notificat în momenul reaprovizionarii.
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