Cours de mathematiques superieures, Tome I - Calcul differentiel et integral. Elements d'algebre lineaire et d
S. M. Nikolsky, Y. Bougrov
509 pagini
An: 1983
Formule de cuadratura
S. M. Nikolsky
118 pagini
An: 1964
Differential equations. Multiple integrals. Series. Theory of functions of a complex variable
Mir Publishers Moscow
Ya. S. Bugrov, S. M. Nikolsky
475 pagini
An: 1983
A Course of Mathematical Analysis, 1 (Nikolsky)
Mir Publishers Moscow
S. M. Nikolsky
461 pagini
An: 1981
A Course of Mathematical Analysis, 2 (Nikolsky)
Mir Publishers Moscow
S. M. Nikolsky
440 pagini
An: 1981