Cours Elementaire De Mathematiques Superieures (Koudriavtsev, Demidovitch)
Mir Publishers Moscow
B. P. Demidovici, I. V. Cudriavtev
671 pagini
An: 1982
Corneal transplantation in complicated leucomas
Mir Publishers Moscow
N. Puchkovskaia
302 pagini
An: 1969
Problems in General Physics (Wolkenstein)
Mir Publishers Moscow
V. S. Wolkenstein
376 pagini
An: 1975
Problems in Higher Mathematics
Mir Publishers Moscow
V. P. Minorsky
395 pagini
An: 1975
A Book of Problems - In Ordinary Differential Equations
Mir Publishers Moscow
M. Krasnov, A. I. Kiselyov
332 pagini
An: 1981
A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis (Berman)
Mir Publishers Moscow
G. N. Berman
462 pagini
An: 1977
A Course of Mathematical Analysis, 1 (Nikolsky)
Mir Publishers Moscow
S. M. Nikolsky
461 pagini
An: 1981
Problems in mathematical analysis
Mir Publishers Moscow
B. P. Demidovici
496 pagini
An: 1976
Questions and Problems in High-School Mathematics
Mir Publishers Moscow
L. A. Kondratyeva
267 pagini
An: 1987
A Course of Mathematical Analysis, 2 (Nikolsky)
Mir Publishers Moscow
S. M. Nikolsky
440 pagini
An: 1981
Fundamentals of linear algebra and analytical geometry
Mir Publishers Moscow
Ya. S. Bugrov
189 pagini
An: 1982
Problems in Analytic Geometry (Kletenik)
Mir Publishers Moscow
D. Kletenik
299 pagini
An: 1969
Human Anatomy, I (Prives, Lysenkov, Bushkovich)
Mir Publishers Moscow
M. Prives
608 pagini
An: 1989
Problems in Physics
Mir Publishers Moscow
V. Zubov, V. Shalnov
290 pagini
An: 1989
Areas and Logarithms
Mir Publishers Moscow
A. I. Markusevici
70 pagini
An: 1981
Fundamentals of Crystal Physics
Mir Publishers Moscow
Yu. I. Sirotin
654 pagini
An: 654
Integrated Circuits
Mir Publishers Moscow
T. Agakhanyan
600 pagini
An: 1986
Cours elementaire de physique, Tome 1
Mir Publishers Moscow
G. S. Landsberg
591 pagini
An: 1987
Collected Problems in Physics (Kozel, Rashba, Slavatiskii)
Mir Publishers Moscow
S. Kozel, E. Rashba, S. Slavatiskii
182 pagini
An: 182
The Theory of Probability
Mir Publishers Moscow
B. V. Gnedenko
392 pagini
An: 1976