Russia's hybrid war in the Republic of Moldova
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Security implications of new gas discoveries in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean
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Strategic nexus : the Black Sea, great power competition, and the Russo-Ukrainian war
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A possible ominous partnership : the China-Russia's "friendship Without Limits"
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Throughout the winters of our discontent : a synchronous approach to the reconstruction of Ukraine
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Frozen Conflicts in the Heat of War : The Changing Tide in the Black Sea Region
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The clash of tactical narratives : Russia's malign influence and the discourses of populist parties on the
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The Battle for the Black Sea! : the importance of freedom of navigation and energy stakes
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A peaceful, silent, deadly remedy : making sense of the sanctions regime against the Russian Federation
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Black Sea's offshore energy potential and its strategic role at a regional and continental level
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Freedom of navigation in the Black Sea and the strategic significance of the Danube
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Another 6 years with Vladimir Putin : what to expect after the reelection of the Russian president?
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Nothing quiet on the eastern digital front : the IT army of Ukraine's cyber operations against Russian war
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Security Challenges in the Black Sea : NATO, the Wider Region and the Global Order,Pledging for a free and ope
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The strategic importance of the Black Sea : regional cooperation for energy and defense
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Rhetorics about the peace in Ukraine in the Romanian presidential campaign in 2024
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War or Peace : Peace, but at What Price?,The Danger of a New Munich Agreement
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