Autor(i): Sarah Kornfeld
Editura: Integral
Anul apariției: 2021
Nr. pagini: 304 pagini
Limba: engleza
ISBN: 9786069926413
Stare: nefolosita (noua)
Categorii: Carte nefolosită, Biografii / Memorialistica, Arta / Cultura
The Memory Series
“A Trilogy of Ghosts” is a composite of three books called THE TRUE.
In 2019, world-renowned Romanian theater director Alexandru Darie died, the news shocking the creative world. Bringing Darie and Romania vividly to life, The True also tells the story of one courageous woman’s cutting through a con artist’s web of lies that mirror global corruption.
The True is a hybrid of memoir, true crime, autofiction. The book was publishing in three languages (Romanian, English, and French). The True will have a rolling launch (October 28, 2021 for the Romanian and English. November 25, 2021 for the French) with the box-set of all three books released December 9th, 2021. The box-set is titled The True: A Trilogy of Ghosts. The book has three different endings, each translation an extension of the chaos of Kornfeld’s experience.
Kornfeld and Darie had been lovers in the 1990s but remained very close friends after breaking up. When he died, Kornfeld went to Romania to search for the reason for his death. It was there she met a young Romanian woman who claimed to have been Darie’s girlfriend. Over a two-year period, Kornfeld wrote a book about Darie’s death, signed deals with Netflix and Disney for scripts about Darie (and other projects), all to devastatingly discover she had been deeply misled by a con artist.
Readers of Anne Carson, Claudia Rankine, and Chris Kraus will love The True. In a post-truth world where objective standards for truth are disappearing, The True limns the slippage between facts, opinion, and belief. Informed by her early life within the experimental theater of downtown New York, Kornfeld draws on a wellspring of language from Molière to Patti Smith, Beckett to Maria Irene Fornes, and the intimacy of defiant theater friends and family.
Comandă online The True la 49,99 lei scrisă de Sarah Kornfeld, tiparită la editura Integral în anul 2021. Cartea poate fi livrată în circa 2 zile cu plata ramburs sau online cu cardul.
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